Près de 2 400 participants aux LabCluster Tours
et une démarche toujours plébiscitée


"Des ateliers trés intéressants et dynamiques."
T. David, Atlantic Bone Screen,
LabCluster Tour à Nantes.

"Bravo pour les stands thématiques."
H. Gachot, CNRS UMR7178,
LabCluster Tour à Strasbourg.

"Félicitations pour cette journée: nous avons appris plusieurs astuces pour les manips et cela se ressentira dans nos résultats."
E. Youl, CNRS UMR5232, LabCluster Tour à Montpellier.

"Je tiens à féliciter l'ensemble des organisateurs et les intervenants de cette journée qui a été très enrichissante pour moi et par transfert pour mon équipe."
T. Jungas, CNRS UMR5547, LabCluster Tour à Toulouse.

Ces journées d'information, dédiées à la qualité au laboratoire et aux conseils et astuces techniques, sont conçues autour de conférences et d'ateliers, animés par des scientifiques et des ingénieurs.

Cette manifestation est ouverte à tous chercheurs, ingénieurs et doctorants des laboratoires de science du vivant et de chimie.


En marge des conférences et des ateliers, les participants peuvent aborder leurs problématiques spécifiques au niveau de stands thématiques

Après Nantes, Bordeaux, Grenoble, Lille, Toulouse Strasbourg, Montpellier, Marseille, Rennes, Lyon, Nice et Biocitech, LabCluster continue son tour en 2022

  campus esplanade  

LabCluster spécial BIOLOGIE SPATIALE

Institut de Recherche en Santé (IRS-UN)
Amphithéâtre et Salle 4
8 quai Moncousu
44000 NANTES

Mardi 25 juin 2024 • 8h30 - 12h00


La participation est gratuite sur inscription

Il est possible de participer à la totalité de l'événement ou seulement à une ou plusieurs conférences.

Cliquez ici pour vous inscrire  Inscription

Programme :
les conférences peuvent être données en français


8h30 | Coffee and Pastries Welcome participants

Unlocking Spatial Biology with Orion™

Orion™ is a novel spatial biology platform enabling whole-slide immunofluorescence and same-section H&E imaging results for up to 20 biomarkers in a single-round tissue staining step. Orion imaging is achieved in less than 2 hours per sample, making the approach suitable for translational and clinical research.

9h30-10h00 | 10X GENOMICS |
Mind blowing science enabled by industry-leading single cell & spatial technologies
Text to come

Automated spatial biology using Lunaphore: a new approach to the characterization and tissue analysis of the tumor microenvironment

Novel technologies that deliver single-cell data have shed new light on biological processes and brought many exciting findings into life science research. Easy access to omics technologies is needed to push the boundaries of research and fill the high demand for it. Lunaphore aims to fill that gap and bring spatial context to single-cell assays. Here, we will show how to generate reproducible spatial data with COMET™, a universal hyperplex solution for high-throughput spatial multiomics. The COMET™ platform performs sequential immunofluorescence (seqIF™) assays to detect 40 protein targets per automated run. Guided workflow optimization and flexibility of the system to use the off-shelf reagents allow fast and easy adoption of the methodology in every laboratory, enabling researchers to explore the cellular microenvironment from assay development to cohort analysis in a few weeks. Here, we will also present our new fully automated, spatial multiomics workflow that integrates the simultaneous detection of RNA, with RNAscope™ HiPlex, and protein, with seqIF™, on the same tissue section at the single-cell level.

 |  Coffee Break

10h50 -11h20 
Multi-Omic Spatial Profiling to Unravel Complex Biology

Join us at IRS-UN Nantes to learn how to gain a more complete picture of biology with Spatial Multiomics. You can now simultaneously spatially profile thousands of transcripts and hundreds of proteins from the same formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue section using true, same-slide spatial multiomics with the GeoMx® Digital Spatial Profiler (DSP). The 570+ plex GeoMx® IO Proteome Atlas can be combined with either the GeoMx® Human Whole Transcriptome Atlas or GeoMx® Cancer Transcriptome Atlas to maximize your discovery power and get you a more complete picture of biology.
Thanks to its multi-modal approach for true single-cell segmentation, the CosMx™ Spatial Molecular Imager (SMI) allows you to view 64 proteins with subcellular resolution. Participate in this Labcluster event and discover how the GeoMx DSP and CosMx SMI are revolutionizing research in fields such as cancer, immunology, and neuroscience.
To know more, visit : 

11h20-11h50 | AKOYA BIOSCIENCES |
Scaling up deep Spatial Phenotyping with a novel Omics approach for Biomarker Discovery

Akoya Biosciences offers Scalable Spatial Phenotyping Solutions from Discovery to Clinical Research. From the Discovery side with the PhenoCycler-Fusion that combines the strengths of Akoya’s automated, ultrahigh-plex cycling platform, PhenoCycler™, and the high-speed imaging platform, PhenoImager™, into an integrated end-to-end workflow. PhenoCycler-Fusion 2.0 is a high-throughput spatial biology platform capable of running 40 samples in a given week. To make this possible PhenoCyclerFusion 2.0 utilizes rapid fluidics and multi-slide automation to meet the scale of your discovery research.
To the clinical Research with PhenoImager® HT 2.0, the fastest solution for the development of spatial signatures, powered by Akoya’s patented Multispectral Imaging (MSI) and spectral unmixing technologies that enables rapid and accurate spatial phenotyping at scale.
Join us to hear about the most trusted Spatial Biology Platforms cited in 1,000+ publications

Stands en libre accès toute la matinée




  Stands de démonstration et d'information en libre accès.
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  Le nombre de places étant limité, il est fortement conseillé de s'inscrire à l'avance en cliquant ici   Inscription  
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